Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Full Day Out

Balls; Shoes [mine; LS's; HQ's]

I'm just back from TDC 11 Reunion & I'm EXHAUSTED.

The day started off with me following my mum to get my report card. The first thing my teacher did was showing my mum my attendance. Wow I was a bit shocked as there were some days I skipped school to go McD study XD Other than that, she said I was okay and I got praised as I passed my add math :D very few people passed, for your information!

After that, I went to Summit. Meet up with LiShing & HuiQing.
We had lunch at the restaurant beside Sushi King. Western (; & I ordered Turkey Strips Sandwich. Damn cheesy. Supa yummy! LOOK AT THE CHEEEESE.

They got their '17 Again' movie tickets and I went for shopping.
I got a pair of wedges for 15 bucks. Damn nice and cheap ok!
Trying to cut a bit of my guilt for buying the previous 90 bucks heels. Hehe.
Anyway, sorry babes, for not watching the movie with you guys. Hmm..
Actually, before the movie, we went for bowling too =D But I'm not satisfy as I got the lowest point! I want a rematch! Hahah, next next Sunday. Our meeting.

HQ; LS; Me

Wedges I bought.

5.40pm, Li Shing and I were rushing to buy our stuff for reunion. The reunion starts at 5.30pm ;O So we were late for half an hour. We ran to temple from Summit and our hair got messed up and sticky. Anyway, we were not that late as they were just gonna start puja. So, yeah. (; There everyone played this game where we had to close our eyes and say 1,2,3,4... to 40(one at a time) without making any signs to other people that we were gonna say the number. If there were 2 person or more that says the number, we had to start all over again. Gosh I got so annoyed. After that we had dinner. Many yummy food. We sang and camwhored, enjoyed the committee's sketch part 2, watched our camp video, clean up and went back. My Cucu & GA didn't come. How sad.

Hymn Singing

Tomorrow Talent Quest semi-final at SMKSU. 3pm to 5pm. Come and support the semi-finalists! ;D We'll be selling tickets at RM5.