Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm Back

Hey guys, I'm finally finally back from Campzilla. Gosh its tiring. I slept straight away right after I reached home[1pm] till now-8pm. Campzilla was really fun, with the GOD SUPER LAME committees. I've learned a lot being a committee for a camp and I had fun. Let me introduce you the committee members (; - Zhen Yao,Lu Quan,Xin Rou,Dheepan, Erik, Kishan, Sook Ying, Kuan Yan, Zhi Ying, Chin Yi, Min Jet, Dexter, Andy, Ker Li, Pui Yin and I.
OOPSS.. I've missed the infamous..... Jin Wei. Sorry lah, I hate you too much.

I wanna thank all the committees, especially ChinYi, LuQuan, ZhiYing, and KerLi to put up with me..& my ice kacang. :D
Zhi Ying, ni hen chou (you're smelly) haha.
Lu Quan, I'll do what I said. 60 times helicopter and 30 seconds to put the thread into the needle.
Chin Yi, huhh? What 900 bucks? lol
Andy, you security; butterflyman; poser; gun-shooter.

These are some of their pictures. Take a look. Heh.

This is Andy ; Butterflyman; Poser =D

Chin Yi =D

Okay, let's talk about Campzilla Reloaded laaaa. I sensed that this will be a super long post. So, .... slowly la. HEEHE. I'll take like 5 hours to finish this post? Huiying, you slowly wait. =P

Day one, ice-breaking with games like Electric Source(everyone must follow whatever the one chosen does and another 3 people will be guessing who's the one-electric source).Cat & Mouse(Cat's territory; Mouse's territory; catch).
Midnight, we had OBH(Operasi Burung Hantu) @ 3am. We committees are so damn tired and lazy to wake up after just 50minutes of rest. ;O especially ZhiYing, this pig. Haha but finally we managed to drag our asses off and wake all the campers up. Bring them to the dewan, blindfold them, ciao. While they were blindfolded, I disturbed them with flashlights. Ahah, sorry, too bored.

Day two, more of physical activities. Station Games- I'm in-charge-of the Bean Games. The first few teams cheated though but the winner is still the one that plays clean. >P After that, we had obstacle course. A LOT of crawlings. Our mud failed miserably though. Bloody soil soaked up all our water. Pengairan baik lol. So, campers, a lot of cuts and bruises eh? (=
At night, all the teams had to present their sketch and I have to say its pretty well. SO DARN FUNNY, LAME & HORNY that it suits the committees' taste. Hahah. Oh the committees sketch was the bomb. Teletubies versus Power Rangers.Then, we had...disco. Man the guys were all showing off their skills. ceyh. Lotsa sweats and we've all gone crazy. After this, we had campfire. Its real fire this year, not torchlights. Haha. Many ghost stories were shared and no, I never want to think of any of them and never wanna talk about it (; the blue lady.

The Fire.
Campfire; ghost stories


Day three, woke up earlier compared to the day before ;P 5am okay! I still hate you people that annoys me to make me wake up. I CAN wake up myself okay. We tied strings around the school to make trails for The Blind Man's Trails. Called up the campers, gathered at dewan, blindfolded, ciao. I guided The Eight Wonders and they were quite fast. So funny to disturb them while they're blind & SzeJin kept bumping into Brandon. Hahaha. Then, we got this balloon game where the campers have to shave the balloons with the shaving cream on it. Childish committees were playing with shaving creams wth. Lol next time, balas dendam. ;] ChinYi & Andy, so nice ahh. JinWei, go die lah you. Oh and the breakfast today damn nice-cute lil doughnuts and mee goreng. lol. We had our photoshoot session and cleaned up the place and went back. LuQuan gave me a ride home, thanks.

Formal , Candid * Click to enlarge


* More pictures & videos with Dheepan, KerLi, SookYing.
Ying; Pui Yin

Nanthene; Ying
Sang; Ying; Nan; Kabitaa

POOF, CAMPZILLA 2009 IS OVER. I'm already missing it. ;( you guys must buy the dvd of Campzilla Reloaded when its out yea!