Monday, June 8, 2009

Tagged again. [the last time, people] >D

1. The person who tagged you is :
Halibel Ding Poh Ming

2. Your relationship with him/her is :
My horror partner ;O

3. Your first impression of him/her is:
Smart & Hardworking (ceyh) ;D

4. The most memorable moments with he/she is:

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
You stupid girl, whole day keep going out and shopping only. (so mean right :P)

7. If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve that:
To get under the sun and be a crazy shopper. HAHA

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do:
I'll give her a bottle of sunblock lotion filled with tanning lotion.

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
She stole my lamb chop ;O Whoops.. that'll never happen.

10. The most desired things you want to do for him/her now is:
Steal her brain which is full with science information. Ehehhehe

11. Your overall impression on him/her is:

12. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
Already answered for the previous tag. Look it up yourself cause I don't wanna sound so perasan. Boo:P

13. The most ideal person you want to be is:
Obama, for now. =D

14. For people who care and love you, say something to them:
Aww..that's good for you. (haha I'm feeling really sarcastic now)

15. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:

1. Karen Wan
2. Sue Ee
3. Sze Jin
4. Yoke Zye
5. Nazurah
6. Ai Kee
7. Pei Nee
8. Jin Wei
9. Ajay
10. Nanthene

16. Who is 6 having a relationship with?
Um..No one?

17. Is 9 a male or a female?

18. What is 2 studying at the moment?
She's eating the cupcakes she baked. *drool*

19. Who was the last person you had a chat with?
Guo Yao. on msn.

20. What kind of music does 8 like?
Techno and sex sound? [he's sick :S]

21. Does 1 have any siblings?
Yeah. Girls power.

22. Is 4 single?
Nope. She's always with her HeJunXiang. lmao

23. What is the surname of 5?
ERRR.. I don't think malays have surnames.

24. What's the hobby of 3?
Playing his restaurant city and dota?

25. Do 7 and 9 get along well?
They're okay.

26. Where is 10 studying at?
SMK Subang Utama.

27. Say something casual about your eyes:
It's almond shaped.

28. Have you tried developing feelings for 2?
YES. She's like my umm..anti-chocolate friend. Haha

29. Where does 9 live?
SS19. [I stalk him..shhh]

30. What colour does 4 like?
Blue. Cause that's the colour of a dolphin.

31. Are 5 and 1 good friends?
Pretty good (:

32. Does 2 like 7?
Just normal schoolmates.

33. How did you get to know 8?

34. Does 3 have any pets?
Yes, the Oscar nominated dog that bangs the wall. HAHA

35. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?
Yeah, show the muscles, babeh.

36. Are you sexy?
That's an obvious yes. =P

37. What am I doing now?

I'm tagging the following:
1. Guo Yao
2. Karen
3. Daniel
4. Hwee Jin
5. Maggie
6. May Yi